From Covid-19 to COP26
Funders’ event at conference highlights the pandemic’s lessons for fighting climate change, says Eleanor Smith.
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Funders’ event at conference highlights the pandemic’s lessons for fighting climate change, says Eleanor Smith.
Science Europe position paper aims to steer outcome of ministerial meeting later this week
At the COP26 UN climate conference in Glasgow, groups representing universities and research funders have called on their peers to join them in committing to more ambitious actions on climate change.
Countries are falling well short on emissions targets, but the first day of the UN conference saw fresh commitments, with the new US strategy underlining the central role research and innovation will play in delivering climate neutrality
Maria Leptin will not join until 1 November due to clashing commitments in her calendar, but research lobbies are sanguine about the delay.
Member state governments’ move to slash EU funding labelled “extremely disappointing”, especially in “unusual” times.
The research is there, but scientists are having trouble getting their voices heard. In the lead up to COP26, funding agencies are calling on scientists to be better at communicating their findings.
As the Brussels policy machine gets back into gear, Science|Business has drawn up a list of the main policy debates to follow over the next few months
The Pact for Research and Innovation should give stakeholders a greater say over the implementation of the European Research Area. As things stand, stakeholders will have little say over how proposed increases in R&D budgets are implemented in member states. But this input and know-how is essential to advancing the single European area for research.
Science Europe Secretary General, Lidia Borrell-Damián, comments alongside other research stakeholder organisations on the new Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe, put forward by the European Commission.
Research covers Science Europe's response to the European Commission Inception Impact Assessment for a Data Act. The research sector has vast experience in data generation, storage, curation & (re-)use. Taking into account its expertise & knowledge can contribute to making the European single market for data useful for the society & economy at large.
Science Europe's Secretary General, Lidia Borrell-Damián, shares information on our recent study for cOAlition S on Diamond Open Access in light of the new French Open Science Plan.
Science Europe’s new strategy reflects shifting expectations in both academia and society, says Marc Schiltz
Six-year plan seeks to “inspire a reappraisal of institutional approaches and values” in European research
Science Europe, a member association for major research funders and performers, has laid out a strategy for 2021-26 that it says puts a fresh focus on changing research culture.
Group wants “organisational commitment” to better practices and enhanced collaboration
‘Publishers have no legitimacy to impose transfer or restrictions of ownership rights on any form of manuscript. In the light of the current pandemic, publisher-dictated embargo periods appear hopelessly antiquated’ highlights Marc Schiltz, President of Science Europe, in this Chemisty World article on the recent CESAER-EUA-Science Europe joint statement on empowering researchers in Open Access.
Covid-19 could make researchers more trusted by the public, or damage their reputations significantly? Lidia Borrell-Damián, Secretary General of Science Europe, weights in on the debate.
Publishing models that restrict researchers’ rights and article reuse blasted as “outdated”
In a joint statement, research-performing and research-funding organisations represented by the European University Association, Science Europe and CESAER, call on all publishers to stop requiring researchers to sign over their rights and to end the use of restrictions and embargoes.
Commission steps up consultation after “fait accompli” complaints but major concerns remain.
Guidelines from Science Europe highlight rapidly changing nature of scholarly publishing
Science Europe issued a Joint Position Statement with COAR, CoreTrustSeal, the European University Association, and the World Data System to highlight the community’s concerns over the Data Repository Selection Criteria recommendations.
Science Europe has joined those urging the EU not to curtail its collaboration with external partners on technology projects under its 2021-27 R&D programme, Horizon Europe.
Many university-owned periodicals are considering changing their business model, but the recent report released by Science Europe and cOAlition S calls for new funding strategy.