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A big step forward for CoARA – Call for Working Group proposals now open
On Tuesday 28 March, the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) took a big step forward by launching its call for Working Group proposals and national chapters. CoARA is a community initiative at its core, and therefore the working groups will be central to the success of the initiative and to the reform process more generally.
The full details of the call are available on the CoARA website, at: https://coara.eu/coalition/working-groups/.
Below is a short summary of the key aspects of the call:
The submission process will have three stages:
- Expression of Interest – deadline: 27 April 2023 (Midnight CEST / Brussels time). Each Expression of Interest should have a minimum of three proposing CoARA member organisations. Submission of an Expression of Interest is mandatory to be able to submit a full proposal.
- Community discussion – after the Expression of Interest deadline, proposals will be made available to all CoARA members via a dedicated platform. CoARA members will then be able to express interest in join existing proposals and develop concepts further collaboratively, and an online workshop is planned on 5 May 2023 to facilitate this.
- Full Proposal submission – deadline: 6 June 2023 (Midnight CEST / Brussels time). Each full proposal should have a minimum of five proposing CoARA member organisations.
A second round of proposals will be opened in Autumn 2023. It is foreseen that eight to ten Working Groups will be established, in total, across the two rounds in 2023.
For both the Expressions of Interest and Full Proposals, submissions should be made by a single designated CoARA Working Group ‘point of contact’ within each member organisation. This can be different from the main contact points already identified. More information about this ‘point of contact’ is provided in the FAQ section of the call webpage: https://coara.eu/coalition/working-groups/.
The full call text, and the application template can be downloaded here: https://coara.eu/app/uploads/2023/03/CoARA_Call_for_WGs_Final.pdf – The online submission form will be made available from 6 April onwards.
In addition to the call for Working Group proposals, a call for National Chapters has also been launched. National Chapters are proposed to contribute to CoARA’s work by facilitating the exchange of knowledge, mutual learning and discussions on CoARA-relevant issues specific to different types of organisations of a given country. Contrary to the Working Groups proposals, there will be no fixed cut-off date for the submission of National Chapter proposals; proposals submitted will be collected and processed on a monthly basis. There is also no limit as to the number of National Chapters that can be approved, however the maximum per country is one.
Science Europe continues to work with the CoARA Secretariat to provide support and sits on the CoARA Steering Board. 32 of 40 Science Europe Member Organisations are also members of CoARA.