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CoARA: next steps for the coalition
An extensive co-creation exercise throughout the first half of 2022 that gathered the interests and perspectives of +350 organisations from over 40 countries led to the publication of an Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment on 20 July.
The Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment sets a shared direction for changes in assessment practices for research, researchers and Research Performing Organisations, with the overarching goal to maximise the quality and impact of research. The Agreement includes the principles, commitments, and timeframe for reforms and lays out the principles for a Coalition of organisations wishing to work together in implementing the changes.
To enact this reform, a coalition of willing organisations will be established. This coalition aims to be an inclusive and collaborative space, offering a platform for discussion and for pilots to develop new criteria methods and tools, and space for the exchange of good practices and mutual learning.
This Coalition on Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) will be established by the end of 2022 by organisations that have signed the Agreement. On 28 September, at a high level session of the EU R&I Days, the collection of signatures was officially opened through the launch of the CoARA website – https://www.coara.eu. The session took place with Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, French Minister Sylvie Retailleau, European Commission Director of European Research Area & Innovation Anna Panagopoulou, EUA Vice-President Paul Boyle, and Science Europe Secretary General Lidia Borrell-Damián.
Since the publication of the Agreement text on 20 July, organisations wishing to be early signatories of the agreement have been expressing their commitment to the initiative. Science Europe, the European University Association, and the European Commission are delighted that 51 organisations from 19 countries have already committed to be early signatories including 13 Science Europe members.
Science Europe encourages its members to consider joining this coalition which will allow them to be part of the discussions from the beginning. The deadline for the adoption of the Agreement before the launch of CoARA is 15 November.
All information regarding the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment and the Coalition on Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) can now be found at: https://www.coara.eu.