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Global Summit on Diamond Open Access: Conclusions & Way Forward
The Global Summit on Diamond Open Access successfully brought together for the first time the Global Diamond OA community, in a dialogue between journal editors, organizations, experts, and stakeholders from all continents, to share ideas and build a common vision as momentum continues to build around Diamond publishing.

About the Global Summit
The ‘Global Summit on Diamond Open Access’ took place on 23-27 October in Toluca, Mexico. Co-organised by Science Europe and our partners – Redalyc, UAEMéx, AmeliCA, UNESCO, CLACSO, UÓR, ANR, cOAlition S, OPERAS – this unique series of hybrid and multilingual events brought together the worldwide community of researchers, editors, universities, research funding and performing organisations, academic libraries, learned societies, publishers, and policy makers who are engaged in strengthening the diamond open access ecosystem.
Over the course of four days, a total of 700 attendees to all three main events – the Redalyc Journal Editors International Conference, the AmeliCA Members Meeting, and the 2nd Diamond Open Access Conference – engaged in extensive and insightful discussions on various Diamond OA initiatives and practices, with emphasis on policy development, governance, research evaluation, and sustainability.
Our Secretary General, Lidia Borrell-Damián, expressed her conviction in the collective momentum generated during the summit:
“The Global Diamond Open Access Summit marks a pivotal moment in our shared journey towards a sustainable and inclusive future. The commitments and partnerships forged here will serve as the bedrock for transformative change on a global scale.”

Global Summit on Diamond Open Access: Conclusions and Way Forward
The concluding pledges for furthering Diamond Open Access are now available:
Read the event conclusions here

Second Conference on Diamond Open Access
As part of the global summit, the ‘2nd Diamond Open Access Conference’ was held on 25 and 26 October 2023. The objective of the conference was to encourage a deeper understanding and mutual learning between world regions, focussed specifically on the infrastructures, policy development, governance, research evaluation and recognition, and sustainability of diamond open access. The conference marked the second time the community endorsing the ‘Action Plan for Diamond Open Access’ (Mar 2022; now endorsed by 160+ organisations and available in 11 languages) met to discuss and take action on its priorities.
Science Europe, together with its member organisations involved in public research funding and performance, is dedicated to promoting open science as an integral component of an effective research system. This strategic objective is at the core of our collective responsibility to shape the future of research within Europe and beyond.
Find out more in our direction paper in support of open science as part of a well-functioning research system or contact Senior Policy Officer Dr Bregt Saenen at bregt.saenen@scienceeurope.org.