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Science Europe’s work on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
Gender equality and diversity are essential components of scientific quality. Science Europe works to promote a research ecosystem where all scholars can realise their potential regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, religion, disabilities, ethnic origin, or social background.
This topic is carried out at two levels: at European level through the dedicated Task Force within the Working Group on Research Culture; and at global level through the Working Group on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) of the Global Research Council (GRC).
The Task Force of the Working Group on Research Culture aimed at collecting and reviewing updated information related to the 2017 “Practical Guide to Improving Gender Equality in Research Organisations” with a broader focus on diversity issues, intersectionality, and the gender and diversity dimensions in research. The Task Force is currently analysing key challenges for research organisations in supporting diversity and has developed a survey for Science Europe Member Organisations that will be launched shortly. The outcomes of this survey will be the basis for the development of an updated practical guide by the end of 2023.
The EDI Working Group of the GRC released in 2021 a study on practices related to the collection of gender-disaggregated data. This landmark study provided an opportunity for benchmarking and a better understanding of the needs of different research systems across the globe. As part of its 2021-2025 strategy, the EDI Working Group will now focus on several key issues, in particular harassment, integrating gender in research content, and further actions on gender-disaggregated data.
Later this year, it aims to publish guidelines on addressing bullying and harassment in research. To that end, the EDI Working Group of the Global Research Council organised a side event on 31 May 2022 during the Annual Meeting of the GRC which focused on addressing harassment and bullying in research. It has also initiated the development of guidelines related to harassment and bullying in research.