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Three stacked books in focus in the foreground, blurred bookshelf and laptop on a desk in the background © temmuzcan

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53 resource(s) found


Support for UNESCO Draft Principles on Open Science Monitoring

Science Europe responds to the global consultation on the UNESCO Draft Principles on Open Science Monitoring. The principles are a step in the right direction, aligning with the priorities and practices of Science Europe's Member Organisations.


Survey Report Strategic Approaches to, and Research Assessment of, Open Science

This report analyses the role of public research funding and performing organisations in Europe in the shifting landscape of open science and research assessment reform. The findings demonstrate how Science Europe's Member Organisations actively shape and contribute to these developments.


Developing and Aligning Policies on Research Software: Recommendations for RFOs and RPOs

This document highlights research software as an emerging element of open science policies and practices and provides recommendations for research funding and research performing organisations on developing and aligning related policies.


Integrity at the Heart of Healthy and Effective Research Cultures

Research integrity is a cornerstone of robust and reliable research systems, and is linked to healthy research cultures, attractive working environments, and the collective goal to support high-quality research. This statements reaffirms its importance and offers recommendations to research organisations for further action.


Multi-annual Action Plan 2021-2026

This Multi-annual Action Plan proposes a series of framework actions to guide the implementation of the Science Europe Strategy Plan 2021–2026 in line with the association's updated vision, mission, values, and strategic priorities. The Action Plan was updated in June 2024.


Science Europe's Initial Position: European Commission's Public Consultation on the White Paper on R&D on Dual-Use Technologies.

This initial position by Science Europe on ‘Dual-Use’ Research, was submitted on 30 April as a response to the European Commission Consultation on the White Paper on ‘Options for enhancing support for research and development involving technologies with dual-use potential’, following a preliminary discussion with our Governing Board and prior to a broader discussion with our Member Organisations in the context of our upcoming General Assembly Meeting.


Action Plan Supporting CoARA

This action plan details the activities Science Europe undertakes to contribute to the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) in the coming years.



Practical Guide to Supporting Diversity in Research Environments

Science Europe’s new ‘Practical Guide to Supporting Diversity in Research Environments’ highlights key findings from a membership survey conducted in 2023, showcases good practices, and provides practical recommendations across topics such as positive action measures and the collection and use of diversity data. 


Research at the Heart of Europe’s Ambition – 2022 Annual Report

In 2022, Science Europe made significant contributions in various areas, including research culture, research assessment, open science, EU framework programmes, the green and digital transition, and science communication.




Joint statement: Council conclusions on not-for-profit scholarly communication ecosystem

We welcome the adoption by the Council of the European Union (EU) of the conclusions on high-quality, transparent, open, trustworthy, and equitable scholarly publishing. As key public research and innovation actors in Europe, we are committed to supporting the development of a publicly owned, not-for-profit scholarly communication ecosystem in collaboration with policymakers in Europe and beyond.



Science Europe Conference Report on Open Science

This report highlights the main ideas and insights that emerged from the 18 and 19 October 2022 Conference on Open Science, organised by Science Europe.


Recognising What We Value: Recommendations on Recognition Systems

Researchers, research services, and other community members at Research Funding and Performing Organisations play a key role in establishing recognition systems through the research assessment processes that they implement. These recognition systems strongly contribute to determining what is understood as research quality and excellence. Based on the Science Europe Values Framework (published in July 2022), this paper provides practical recommendations and good practice examples detailing how research organisations can continuously improve the way they assess research and researchers. The recommendations help to embed our shared values and contribute to the evolution of research cultures in Europe.



Briefing Paper on EOSC: Federating Research Infrastructures in Europe for Fair Access to Data

One of the most prominent initiatives in the digital and open transition of research is EOSC. This federation of existing research data infrastructures in Europe aims to create a web of FAIR data and related services for research


Open Science As Part of a Well-Functioning Research System

Science Europe and its members support Open Science as part of a well-functioning research system. This paper sets the direction for an open and seamless collaboration between research actors and involvement of societal parties where relevant.


Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment

This Agreement sets a shared direction for changes in assessment practices for research, researchers, and research performing organisations, with the goal to maximise the quality and impact of research. It includes principles, commitments, and timeframes for reforms and lays out principles for a Coalition of organisations willing to work together in implementing the changes.


Science Europe 2021 Annual Report

For Science Europe, 2021 was a very important year: the association celebrated its 10th year of existence. Founded in 2011, it has grown into a respected and influential voice in the European research policy debate. Moreover, we published a new Strategy Plan for 2021–2026, which maps our collective objectives and sets a specific yet flexible action framework over the next five years.


A Values Framework for the Organisation of Research

Science Europe launches a framework of shared values that serve as a guide to contribute to fostering a forward-looking research culture within the European Research Area, and globally.


Reaction to the Council Conclusions on Research Assessment and the Implementation of Open Science Policies

The Council Conclusions are an important step in recognising the relevance of Open Science and reforming research assessment, which are two essential elements of the cultural shift that are necessary to put research quality and openness are the cornerstones of positive research cultures.


Statement on the exemption of not-for-profit educational and scientific repositories, digital archives, and libraries from the Digital Services Act

Research organisations, libraries, repositories, and university networks call for the the exclusion of not-for-profit repositories, digital archives, and libraries from the obligations of the Digital Services Act.


Action Plan for Diamond Open Access

Science Europe, cOAlition S, OPERAS, and the French National Research Agency (ANR) present an Action Plan to further develop and expand a sustainable, community-driven Diamond OA scholarly communication ecosystem.


Report of the 2021 High Level Workshop on ERA: Research Culture in the ERA

The 2021 High Level Workshop on the European Research Area dealt with the topic of research culture and how to keep the research sector attractive for current and future generations of researchers.


Statement on Research Culture - Empowering Researchers with a Thriving Research System

The new statement on Research Culture envisages an ERA that focusses on the quality of research and its processes, supports scientific freedom, and promotes social diversity and inclusion, acknowledging that these conditions will, in turn, foster a productive research system.


Research Plays an Essential Role in Public Interest Data Use

Science Europe Response to the European Commission’s Consultation on a Future Data Act

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